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How To Install Microsoft Windows Xp Tablet Pc Edition 2005

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by ovfagoti1982 2020. 2. 14. 17:17


Installing Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3). 5 minutes to readIn this articleGeneral RequirementsBefore You Install Service Pack 3Installing Service Pack 3Removing Service Pack 3Resources for Advanced Users and System AdministratorsCopyrightThis document provides information about installing Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3). Both this document and the installation screens will guide you through the installation process.

General RequirementsTo install SP3, your computer must meet the hardware and operating system requirements listed below. In addition, your computer must at least be running Windows XP with Service Pack 1 installed.We recommended that you have Service Pack 2 installed before installing SP3.

Deploying Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005. 37 minutes to readIn this article On This PageIntroductionUnattended SetupRemote Installation Services (RIS)System preparation Tool (SYSPREP)Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 CustomizationsWindows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 and Driver SigningDetermining the Best Deployment MethodSingle-Image Deployment ProcessTroubleshootingFor More Information IntroductionImportantMicrosoft is not releasing Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 SP3 integrated media and it is not supported to manually slipstream SP3 into SP2 media. To create a supported installation of Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 with Service Pack 3, you must do the following:. Install Windows XP Tablet PC Edition from Service Pack 2 media.

How to install microsoft windows xp tablet pc edition 2005

Install the Service Pack 3 Update. Run Sysprep and create the imageMicrosoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 is a powerful, mobile, and versatile operating system that lets you take your PC many more places and use it in many new ways. This new version of the operating system is a superset of Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional Service Pack 2, and takes advantage of new features provided by the Tablet PC hardware manufacturers. These new features not only enhance and improve the mobile computing experience, but offer many ways to increase productivity. For more detailed information about the capabilities and hardware of the Tablet PC, please refer to the Tablet PC Web site:In order for users to experience the new features made possible by the Tablet PC in your enterprise, as well as to work with your current applications, policies, and procedures, different deployment options are available.

This paper discusses the following three methods for deploying the Tablet PC in your organization: Unattended Installations (Unattend.txt), Remote Installation Services (RIS), and System Preparation Tool (Sysprep). Each method is defined below and will be covered in more detail in this document:Unattended Installations – This method uses a text file that has been populated with predefined answers to supply data directly to Setup, rather than requiring an administrator or end user to interactively provide the answers. This follows the basic concept of an installation that is initiated by booting from the Windows XP Professional CD, however setup will be automated. Remote Installation Services (RIS) - Remote Installation Services is a service provided by Windows 2000 Server and Windows Server 2003 to deploy operating system images over the network onto remote boot-enabled client systems. The client system boots utilizing Pre-Boot Execution Environment technology (PXE), typically built in to the network card, contacts a RIS server, logs in via wizard pages provided by the server, and then the selected image prepared by the administrator is copied to the target system.

System Preparation Tool (Sysprep) - This method takes a Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 system that is already installed and creates an 'image' of the operating system so that it can be copied to other similar Tablet PC systems. After the image has been copied and the system reboots, a mini-setup wizard, much like that of a normal setup, appears. Computer-specific information such as computer name and user name can then be entered. Note: This document assumes you are already familiar with the deployment methods used for Windows 2000 and Windows XP. If you require more information about any of the setup methods mentioned in the previous section, please consult the Windows 2000/Windows XP Resource Kit or Microsoft TechNet. Unattended SetupUnattended setup requires an answer file so that setup does not prompt the user for any information. Below are the steps required for deploying Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 via unattended setup.

Preparing the Distribution ShareTo use unattended setup, you must create a share location containing the installation files necessary for setup. This location is referred to as the distribution share. As with Windows XP and other versions of the Windows operating system, it is necessary to use the Xcopy tool to copy the files from a Windows CD to the distribution share, and then create an answer file using the Setup Manager utility (Setupmgr.exe).

The step-by-step procedure is as follows:.From the a command prompt, use Xcopy to copy the contents of the i386 directory on CD1 of the Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 media set to the distribution share that will be used during setup. For example:xcopy%CdDriveLetter%i386. /s /e%servername%%share%osbuildsTabletPCi386Note The above line has been wrapped for readability and should be issued as one command.At the same level as the i386 directory, create a second folder named cmpnents. Copy the contents of the cmpnents directory on CD2 of the Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 media set into the created folder.

How to install windows xp tablet pc edition 2005

For example:xcopy%CdDriveLetter%cmpnents. /s /e%servername%%share%osbuildsTabletPCcmpnentsNote: The above line has been wrapped for readability and should be issued as one command.When completed, the directory structure of your distribution share should look like this:Note: If the cmpnents directory is not copied to this location, you will receive errors during setup stating that files cannot be copied. See the troubleshooting section for more information about error messages.Below the i386 directory create a folder named $oem$ with a subdirectory named $1. Copy the OEM-supplied drivers such as display, modem, or network into this folder.

This allows the provided OEM drivers to be installed during setup. When completed, the folder structure should look similar to the following outline:When the steps above have been completed, the distribution share from which you can install Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 is now ready. The next step is to create the answer file to be used by the setup process.

Creating the Answer FileCreating an unattended answer file for the Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 installation is nearly identical to creating one for an unattended installation of Windows XP and Windows 2000. When creating the answer file, use the Setup Manager utility (Setupmgr.exe). This utility will guide you through the steps necessary to create the Unattend.txt file. Conversely, you can use a text editor to create and edit the file directly. The process outlined below uses the Setup Manager utility to create the unattend.txt file.Setup Manager is located on CD1 of the Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 media set within the SupportToolsDeploy.cab file. For a complete list of Unattend.txt answer file parameters please consult the Ref.chm Help file also included within the Deploy.cab file. The following section highlights the items that are necessary to include in the answer file.Use a Tablet PC Product KeyWindows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 is a superset of Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2, so to install the operating system, the only additional media you we need to include within your distribution share is a single.cab file (Tabletpc.cab).

How To Install Windows Xp Tablet Pc Edition 2005

During setup, the files contained within Tabletpc.cab install the features that make up Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005. However, to invoke the Tablet PC setup routine, you must use a Product Key explicitly assigned for use with the Tablet PC operating system. The Product Keys for Windows XP Professional and Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 are not interchangeable. Once you've determined that a Tablet PC Edition Product Key is being used, verify that it is entered in your answer file as follows:where XXXX-XXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX represents your Product Key.Note: If you enter a valid Windows XP Professional Product Key instead of a Tablet PC Product Key, setup will proceed normally, and you will not receive any messages indicating that a Tablet PC Product Key was not used. When setup completes, the computer will have a Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 installation, but Tablet PC components such as Windows Journal or the Tablet PC Input Panel will not be available.Adding the OEM Drivers to the Answer FileWhile Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 is based on Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2, which contains many of the latest drivers for your devices, your Tablet PCs may require OEM-supplied drivers for its peripherals to function properly. For example, the video display device or button mapping programs that allow the screen orientation to change may be specific to the hardware manufacturer.When you created the distribution share in previous steps, you copied any OEM-supplied device drivers to a directory below the $oem$$1 folder.

The $1 folder will correspond to the drive which the%systemroot% resides (for example, c:). To add any OEM-supplied device drivers, insert the following parameter to the setup answer file that you created in the previous step:UnattendedOemPnpDriversPath =%pathtodrivers%For example: OemPnPDriversPath = driversmodem;driversLan Note If any of the OEM-supplied drivers are unsigned, you may need to adjust the DriverSigningPolicy parameter. Please see the section labeled 'Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 and Driver Signing' later in this document.Encrypt your Product KeyIf you are using select media it is highly recommended that you encrypt your volume license key (VLK). This is the identifier you enter when asked or prompted for your Product Key. When placing the VLK in the answer file, it is entered as plain text for anyone to view.

How To Install Microsoft Windows Xp Tablet Pc Edition 2005

If someone were to obtain your VLK they could install unauthorized copies of Windows XP Professional or Tablet PC.Windows XP Service Pack 2 allows you to encrypt your VLK in the answer file so that it appears as random, meaningless numbers. To encrypt your Product Key please perform the following steps:.Connect to the distribution share that contains your Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 files.From a command prompt, run the following command:Winnt32.exe /encrypt:'XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX:Y' /unattend:%filename%Where:.XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX is your Product Key (VLK).Y is a value between 5 and 60. This is the number of days that you want this script to be valid.Filename is the name of the answer file to which you want to add the encrypted VLK. If the answer file is not in the current directory, you will need to specify the path.If the parameter ProductKey already exists in your answer file, it will be encrypted.

If it isn't, this process will add it to the answer file. This process is valid for all answer files (RIS templates, Sysprep.inf files, and Unattend.txt files).Note: After the number of days specified by the Y parameter has passed, the installer will be prompted to enter the Product Key manually.